Did I Hear My Cat Snoring?

Cats are cuddly babies who spend most of the day just napping. It is not uncommon for those sleeping furry angels to snore, whether day or night. If you hear strange noises coming from the room where your kitty naps, know that it could be your furry precious’ snores.

When kitties dive into a deep sleep, they can become completely relaxed and start snoring. However, don’t expect your little munchkin to snore every time it goes to sleep.

Get your pet tested if it experiences constant snoring. The snores can sometimes be due to respiratory diseases or abnormalities, which is why a timely medical intervention may be necessary. Consider being prepared with pet health insurance so unanticipated vet visits during times like this and many others need not be financially overwhelming.

Cat insurance covers a furball’s testing, treatment, and medications during accidental injuries, sickness, and medical emergencies, depending on the level of cover chosen. Contemplate purchasing a policy so that providing medical care is much easier during distressing health situations.

In the meantime, read this article to learn why a cat snores.

Feline fur babies look adorable when they snooze, but why do they snore? Do they snore while running after mice in their sleep? Maybe only they know the answers.

As mentioned earlier, if it is a sometimes thing, there might be little to worry about. It is likely normal if an overall healthy kitty cat has often snored in the past.

Yet, some cats snore more than others. For instance, an overweight or obese cat is more prone to snoring than cats close to the ideal weight. Packing on too many kgs can make a furball susceptible to health risks like breathing difficulty, heart issues, renal problems, endocrine disorders, diabetes, and more.

You should not ignore your four paws’ sleeping position either. Improper sleeping postures in odd places often lead to noisy breathing.

Brachycephalic breeds or flat-faced cats are more vulnerable to breathing disorders than other breeds. For instance, Persian and Himalayan cats can easily develop airway syndrome. This type of cat has elongated soft palates and shortened nasal passages that lead to noisy breathing.

If you notice eye/nose discharge, coughing, sneezing, sores on the nose, changes in vocalizations, snoring during wake time, appetite changes, face swelling, lethargy, breathing through the mouth and other unusual behaviors in your kitty, then take it to the vet urgently.

The above symptoms, in combination with snoring, can be triggered due to health conditions like bacterial/fungal/viral infections, asthma, trauma, masses, polyps, nasal passage inflammation, cancer, and foreign objects stuck in the nose or throat.

Respiratory distress demands immediate medical attention to prevent the issue from advancing to a further stage. At the same time, consider being equipped with pet health insurance so that providing your fluffy friend with basic health benefits need not be financially cumbersome.

Contemplate purchasing cat insurance so your kitty gets the medical care it deserves during non-routine vet visits with minor economic hassle.

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