5 Technology Innovations that Changed History

Technology is constantly growing exponentially in the modern world. It seems that every day, you will find an innovative gadget or device to make our lives more convenient. Each new technology is an improvement but not all of them are identical. Certain inventions have dramatically transformed the world since their inventions to the point of transforming how our future unfolded. We’ve come up with five technology advancements that altered the direction of the world.

5 Technology Innovations That Changed the Course of History

The Printing Press

While it might not appear to be the most cutting-edge technology of today but this technique was an example of what was significant to be developed. It was 1440 when Johannes Gutenberg drew from an already-existing block press for paper and redesigned it with a mould which allowed lead alloy type pieces be rapidly made. This resulted in a series of books that could be copied using one press that could produce as many as 3,600 pages per day.

This technology is crucial to our culture because it was the catalyst for an Age of Enlightenment, and let new ideas be shared and create revolutions and debate. The internet has allowed information to be shared across the globe and also made it possible for people who did not have the money to purchase books. The knowledge shared with the world gave humans the chance to design their own inventions over the many centuries following.


The first transistor was manufactured around 1947, by Bell Laboratories, the often neglected transistor provided precise control of the flow of current on the circuit board. It is the main component of nearly electronic systems. They were initially utilized in radios, however they are nowadays a vital part of the circuitry that is used in cellphones, computers and televisions.

Because the number of transistors that are used in integrated circuits grows in every 2 years, by double the number it is likely that they will remain a major influence on our technological advancements of the future.

Cellular Phones

When this technology became popular it revolutionized how we live our day-to daily lives. Find a payphone today. There is no longer a need to rely on being at home to receive an important phone call, and we can receive assistance in an emergency situation anytime. As the technology that is attached to these devices increases our lives have become more convenient. We can now bank and video chat, communicate to the world, search for jobs, conduct banking and much more all through our cell phones.

Personal Computers

While mechanical computers were in use in the 1880s but the first electronic computers appeared around the turn of 20 century. century. In 1977 Personal Computers hit the market due to the low costs and the advancement of technology called microchips.

The computer of the future capable of calculating the most complex mathematical equations in a matter of seconds. The business process could be completed without the need to manually keep track of information, and we could easily record information as well as organize our work. simplify tasks with just only one command.

The Internet

Since the advent of the Internet We have become dependent on the search engine such as Google to provide answers to any query that we might have. The computer network that covers the world allows us to access information at any time. Technology has revolutionized the way businesses are conducted as well as our communication with each other and how we look at entertainment, how we campaign for political office and much more. It is expected that in the coming years, this technology will only continue to expand and affect how new technology is developed, much as the printing press was before it.