4 Common Types of Dental Procedures Out There

When it comes to dental care, most of us are familiar with the basics, like brushing and flossing, regular checkups, and the occasional filling. But did you know there are other types of dental procedures you may not be aware of that can help keep your smile healthy? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore four common types of dental procedures that you may not have considered yet. From fillings to implants, we’ll explain why they’re important and how they can help improve your oral health. 

1. Fillings

Fillings are one of the most common dental procedures that people need in their lifetime. Fillings are used to repair and replace tooth structure that has been damaged due to decay or trauma. When cavities form, a filling is placed into the hole created by the decay to prevent further damage. 

Fillings are made from either composite resin or amalgam and are chosen based on the patient’s oral health needs and preferences. Composite resin fillings are tooth-colored, so they blend in with your natural teeth and can be used to repair front teeth as well as molars. 

2. Crowns

A dental crown is a form of restorative approach that restores a damaged tooth back to its original shape and size. It helps protect the tooth from further damage and strengthens it. Crowns are made from materials such as porcelain dental crowns, metal, composite resin, or a combination of these materials.

In some cases, crowns may be used to improve the appearance of a tooth by covering stains, chips, discoloration, or other imperfections. In other cases, crowns may help support a tooth with a large filling or cover a dental implant.

Crowns can be used for both cosmetic and functional purposes. In the case of cosmetic dentistry, the goal is to improve the appearance of the teeth. In the case of functional dentistry, crowns are often used to replace a large amount of tooth structure that has been lost due to decay or any other factor. 

3. Bridges

Bridges are a standard dental procedure that involves using prosthetic teeth to fill in the gaps created by missing teeth. Bridges use the surrounding teeth to provide a strong and stable foundation for the prosthetic, and the entire structure is then secured into place with a special adhesive. 

Bridges are typically used to restore the mouth’s functionality and improve your smile’s aesthetics. Bridges can be made from porcelain, gold, or a combination of both materials. Porcelain bridges are less expensive than gold, but they may not last as long. 

4. Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that look and feel just like your natural teeth. Implants are often used when a patient is missing a tooth or several teeth due to injury, periodontal disease, or any other cause. 

Placing an implant involves surgically inserting a small titanium post into the jawbone, allowing it to heal and fuse with the bone. Once healed, a crown, bridge, or denture can be placed on top of the implant for a natural-looking and permanent solution.